Saturday, October 4, 2014

Dancing Dishes!?

So, I had this crazy thought. That I am too busy to work out. I mean I am, but I'm not. I choose not to. Well, I choose not to opt out of my time to relax to hone my body, only my mind. And if we're being honest, even then most of the time it is simply numbing it through TV or films despite how engaging they are or what thoughts they provoke.

Then I had another crazy thought, "Be a multitasker."

I, like most people, don't particularly enjoy doing the dishes, despite the fact that I actually enjoy most forms of cleaning. I think because I am just standing still. Ugh, right!? If I'm working hard at scrubbing some stupid stuck on mess in hot water, it's tiring and hot! I mean it can be a real arm workout with some tough pans, yet you get little out of it other than a sweaty hairline and probably sploshed water all down your front!

So then I had ANOTHER thought (It's like I'm on fire, they just keep coming!), "I like to move it, move it!"

Why didn't I MAKE myself do this before?! Dance whilst doing the dishes. Seriously. Skip the dishwasher (if you're lucky enough to have one) and do them all by hand, you'll be grateful you did. And don't just do it a little bit, but the whole time. When you get hotter and ridiculously tired, KEEP GOING. I may be wickedly out of shape, but that fatigue comes fast due to the hot water. Yes, they take longer, but dancing is exhausting. I'm not talking about wiggling your tush or tapping your toes, I'm talking about full on, arms flailing, legs kicking, pulling muscles, pursed lips, furrowed brows, generally funny, albeit embarrassing faces, lip syncing, DANCING! I repeat, it's exhausting... but hot damn, it's fun!

Anyway, another pointless entry, but a suggestion nonetheless. Next time you're frustrated at the damn pan that just won't get clean no matter how long you soak it, how many things your kids NEED RIGHT NOW while you're in the middle of cleaning said pan, or the fact that you're cleaning said pan because your S.O. wanted a meal that you don't particularly enjoy, but you made it because you just love them so damn much, take a moment. Just stare at the wall ahead of you and stop. Then tap your toes. Then wiggle those shoulders, then hips, then move it, move it. Hell, do The Macarena! But go dance. Laugh. Be fucking silly when you REALLY don't want to be because that is when it helps the most, for you and those around you! ;)

If you need a little inspiration...

End Note:
You know you're a "M'aw'm" when the only reason you wear makeup anymore is because your toddler begged you to put it on her, panicked, so you put it on yourself first to show them it's okay.